Start the B2B or B2C, all you need to know Part I

There are many steps involved with the wholesale jewelry business beginner. For many people, get involved with the wholesale jewelry might be just a piece of cake if you are looking from the outside. But if you are starting to set up the business by yourself, it is actually not a piece of cake anymore. However, it is not difficult to set up. All you need to do is to pay attention and make up your plan. Here is some guideline for anyone who wants to set up the new business for wholesale jewelry.

jewelry b2b

1. Make your plan, decide for what you want to do. Are you interested in a business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-customer (B2C)?

The B2B is the business that you will buy jewelry at wholesale prices from jewelry suppliers and then sell the products to jewelry retailers. The price for selling would be lower than retail price, but higher than your purchasing price. By this definition, you need certain amounts of initial money to start your investment and also never forget about product storage places. You need to start your own business with buying wholesale jewelry in bulk, keep them as your stock and contact to the retailer for product transfer. The B2B business is limited incertain number of customersbut the profit will be less than the B2C business type.

The B2C is the business that you buy jewelry from wholesale suppliers and selling it to the end users, without any jewelry retailer involved. The business can be done through your local store or on your own website. The other way for selling the product is via a third party like e-bay or other web services. For this business type, with your great planning, you can place the order to your supplier and use a drop-shipping service to your customer directly. This way will save your space for jewelry transferring between your supplier, your shop and your customer. However, you will never see the product by yourself. Therefore, make sure that your supplier will deliver the right and high standard product to your customer. Otherwise, you can get the complaint from the customer instead.

If you know already about the business type you would like to for, then follow the next step for your business set up.

(to be continue)………………