Tips for finding the right jewelry wholesale distributor

jewelry wholesale distributor

If you are in the jewelry business as a retailer or buyer, you need to find the right jewelry supplier/distributor for the products you need. Here are some suggested tips to find the right jewelry supplier for you.

1. Make a clear cut for your industrial business channel. You need to know the right business channel that your business is really fit in. Based on this knowledge, you can easily find the right wholesale supplier for your business. If you are interested in jewelry, you need to find the jewelry wholesale supplier not just the jewelry maker or jewelry designer.

2. Go with the manufacturer as your start point. With the branded products, try to directly contact the manufacturer to cut all costs in between. They might sell the product to you, with their minimum requirement. If your business is too small for them, you might also start by asking for the distributors you can contact from the manufacturer. You might have to pay forhigher price however, to start your business, it is a good point to begin.

3. Looking for the wholesaler on the internet. Not only the list you can get from the manufacturer, you can look through this information by yourself usinginternet. You will also get your own list which you can start to contact with them for the detail. Ask for their potential wholesalers, suppliers, prices and a minimum requirement and compare with the other suppliers for your best choice to go.

4. Check on eBay.  eBay is the major site for many customers around the world. You can compare your product price with the product in eBay, as your guidance at the start point. With the price from eBay, you can use it to determine your product price and try to get attention for your customer group. Actually not only the eBay, there are other places you need to check for both price and jewelry styles. Check them out to keep your business in the same fashion trends.

5. Attend a jewelry trade show in anytime you are able to. The trade show is the place where you can talk directly to jewelry manufacturers and wholesale jewelry distributors. You can also keep yourself and business with the latest jewelry trend by visiting the jewelry trade show. Fashion jewelry is changeable in every seasons, you have to keep yourself in a front line to make sure that your jewelry business will always stay on top from the others.